时间 | 相似词组 | 释义1 | 释义2 |
2021/03/10 |
culture和cultivate |
culture 文化 |
cultivate 栽培 |
2021/03/10 | visually和virtually | visually 视觉上 | virtually 实际上 |
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rend和render |
rend 撕开;撕碎 |
render 给予;提供 |
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limb和limber |
limb 肢体 |
limber 柔软的 |
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forte和fortify |
forte 专长;特长 |
fortify 设防 |
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impassion和impassive |
impassion 激起…热情;使激动 |
impassive 冷漠的 |
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deride和derive |
deride 嘲笑 |
derive 得到 |
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drench和trench |
drench 使湿透 |
trench 战壕 |
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yield和yelp |
yield 产量 |
yelp 尖叫 |
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regional和religion |
regional 区域的 |
religion 宗教 |
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instance和instant |
instance 实例 |
instant 方便的;立即的;瞬间 |
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artisan和artist |
artisan 工匠;手艺人 |
artist 艺术家 |
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autonomous和automatic |
autonomous 独立自主的;有自治权的 |
automatic 自动的 |
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capital和capitalism |
capital (city) 首都 |
capitalism 资本主义 |
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pose和poise |
pose 姿势 |
poise 优雅的举止;保持(某种姿势) |
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credit和creditor |
credit 信用 |
creditor 债权人 |
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plaint和plaintiff |
plaint 起诉;凄凉的哭泣(或声音) |
plaintiff 原告 |
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plaint和complaint |
plaint 起诉;凄凉的哭泣(或声音) |
complaint 不满的原因;抱怨;埋怨;投诉;控告;不满;(尤指不严重、常影响身体某部位的)疾病 |
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complain和complaint |
complain 抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚 |
complaint 不满的原因;抱怨;埋怨;投诉;控告;不满;(尤指不严重、常影响身体某部位的)疾病 |
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terrorist和territory |
terrorist 恐怖分子 |
territory 领地 |
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campion和campaign |
campion剪秋罗属(一种花) |
campaign 战役;运动(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动) |
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flute和flu |
flute 长笛 |
flu 流感 |
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motion和emotion |
motion 运动 |
emotion 情感 |
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sculpt和sculpture |
sculpt 雕刻 |
sculpture 雕塑 |
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predator和prey |
predator 捕食者 |
prey 猎物 |
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organism和organ |
organism 有机体;生命体 |
organ 器官 |
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interact和interfere |
interact 互动;交流;沟通 |
interfere 干扰 |
interaction |
interaction相互作用;相互影响 |
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ponder和ponderous |
ponder 深思熟虑 |
ponderous 笨重;慢条斯理;沉闷乏味 |
This article was last edited at 2021-03-10 13:22:38
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