They are all brackets.
( ){ }[ ]〈 〉 in English:
- ( ) round brackets or Parentheses
- { } curly brackets or Braces
- [ ] square brackets or Brackets
- <> angle brackets or Chevrons
( ){ }[ ]〈 〉 in Chinese:
- ( ) 小括号
- { } 大括号
- [ ] 中括号
- <> 尖括号
Chinese is not that there are no other names for these symbols, but that these are the most commonly used.
For example "()" can be called "圆括号", "{}" can be called "花括号", "[]" can be called "方括号", ……
Chinese tends to distinguish the first three kinds of brackets with big, middle and small, but the fourth kind of brackets has only one name.
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