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[JLPT N1 Test] The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N1 Level Questions and Answers - December 2017 for Example (Part 6)

previous: The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N1 Level Questions and Answers - December 2017 for Example (Part 5)

Question 6. Sort the following phrases to form the correct sentence.

To be honest, there is nothing to explain about these questions. I think if you have to figure it out, I have to write several blogs. So I just write the correct answer with the sentence.

36.「乗り掛かった舟」という諺(ことわざ)は、乗った船が岸を離れれば途中で降りることができない ことから 物事を始めてしまった 以上 途中でやめるわけにはいかない ことのたとえである。

The saying "boarding boat" is a metaphor for the fact that once the boat has left the shore, it cannot get off on the way, so once things have started, it cannot be stopped halfway.

  • たとえ=metaphor

This sentence first explained the meaning of the proverb, and then gave an example of a metaphor. On the whole, this sentence is not difficult. Whether you understand the role of "ことから" will play a key role.


37. 年をとって人生を振り返って時に あの時ああしていたら もっと素晴らしい人生を送れていたはず 後悔するような 生き方は したくない。

Looking back on my life as I got older, I would have had a better life if I had done that at that time. I don't want to live in a way that I regret.

38. NPO法人「音楽の夢」では、音楽を通じた様々な教育プロジェクトを展開していくことに よって 豊かな社会の実現に寄与する ことを 目的に 活動をしています。

The NPO "Music Dream" is working with the aim of contributing to the realization of a prosperous society by developing various educational projects through music.


39. 今は、一学年5クラスもある北森川小学校だが、かつては少子化で 存続は難しい のでは という 危機感があった。

Currently, Kitamorikawa Elementary School has 5 classes in the first grade, but in the past there was a sense of crisis that it would be difficult to survive due to the declining birthrate.


40. 県立高校の校長が、同校に在学する知人の娘の成績証明書を偽造したことが明らかになり、教育関係者からは 教育現場の長 として あるまじき 行為 と怒りの声が上がった。

  • あるまじき行為=behavior that should not be done

The principal of the county high school was found to have forged transcripts for the daughter of an acquaintance who was studying at the school.
The educators are indignant at this, And said that this should not be the behavior of leaders in the front line of education.

Next: The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N1 Level Questions and Answers - December 2017 for Example (Part 7)

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