- 残業時間=Overtime hours
- 上限規制=Cap regulation
- 有給休暇=Paid holidays
- 義務=Compulsory
- 義務化=Mandatory
- 盛り込んだ=Include
- 働き方=工作方式≈How to work
- 働き方改革関連法≈Work style reform related law
(例)この法律は来月から~される/This law will come into effect next month.
(例)新しい税制が来年度から~されることに決まった/Decided to implement a new tax system from next year.
(2)〔効力を発生させる〕Take effect.
[頭を使う]Use brain
[最も有効な]Find shortcut
- 工夫をこらす/Find the trick.
- 工夫に工夫を重ねる/After repeated research.
- ちょっとした工夫で不用品も生きる/With a little brainstorming, waste can also be used.
- 水が漏らないように工夫する/Try to keep the water from leaking.
- あれこれ工夫する/Think of various ways.
So you find that "工夫" and "thinking" are closely linked.
工夫を凝らす:It is an idiomatic sentence, which means to use your brain to find a way. (It usually refers to finding loopholes in some rules.)
対策に乗り出している=Embarking on countermeasures
~に乗り出す=embark on/upon sth
(1)〔出帆する〕Get out by ...
(例)沖へ~/Go to sea by boat
(2)〔登場する〕Make an appearance (success). On stage.
(例)世の中に~/Become a figure in society.
(例)政界へ~/To emerge in the political arena; on the political stage.
(3)〔進んで事に当たる〕Actively engaged in;[自ら]Do it oneself.
(例)警察が~/The police come forward.
(例)学校の経営に~/Start school management.
(例)ついに部長が乗り出してきた/The minister finally came out in person.
(例)身を~/Lean forward.
(例)窓から乗り出して外を見る/Lean out from the window and look out.
(5)〔乗り始める〕Start riding.
(例)うちの子も自転車に乗り出した/Our kids are also riding bicycles.
My Translation:
Including the upper limit of overtime hours and the compulsory acquisition of paid vacations (with holidays), the related law on work style reforms has been implemented sequentially in April, and companies have also used various methods to rack their brains to formulate countermeasures.
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