- 元気なうちに、趣味の山登りを楽しもうと思っている。While I'm fine, I'm thinking of enjoying my hobby of mountain climbing.
- 忘れないうちに、手帳にメモしとこう。Before you forget, make a note in your notebook.
- 若いうちに色々なことに挑戦したいと思う。I want to try various things while I am young.
- 何年も飼っているうちに、ワンちゃんは我が家の一員になった。After years of keeping it, the dog became a member of my family.
- 新しい一眼レフを買ったが、1か月も経たないうちに新型が発売されてがっかりした。I bought a new SLR camera, but I was disappointed that the new type was released in less than a month.
- ラグビーはあまり好きではなかったが、何度もテレビで試合を見ているうちに、好きになってきた。I didn't really like rugby, but after watching the game on TV many times, I started to like it.
- 生徒たちは何度も話し合っているうちに、自然と仲間意識が出てきた。As the students talked over and over again, a sense of companionship naturally emerged.
The original meaning of うちに, I think it is "in the middle", which means being in the middle of a period of time or anything.
For example, the first sentence of "例文2", although I translated it as "after", it actually happened at the same time.
Anyway, don't forget that うちに has the feeling of being in the middle of a period of time or anything.
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