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Learn JLPT N2 Grammar: ~限り(は)/限りでは/ない限り


1. express maximum

  • 思いつく限りの方法をすべて試してたが、ダメだった。I tried all the methods I could think of, but it didn't work.
  • できる限りの努力はした。後は結果を待つのみだ。I made every effort I could. All you have to do is wait for the result.
  • 山奥で道に迷い、声の限りに助けを求めた。I lost my way in the mountains and asked for help as much as I could.

2. express as long as...

  • 生きている限り、嬉しいことも悲しいことも必ずある。As long as you are alive, there are always happy and sad things.
  • 定年になっても元気な限り、働き続けたいと思っている人が増えている。An increasing number of people want to continue working as long as they are healthy even after retirement.
  • 医者である限り、患者を助けるために必死に頑張らなければならない。As long as you are a doctor, you have to work hard to help the patient.



express within a limited range

  • うちの両親はとても仲が良く、私が覚えている限りでは、一度も喧嘩したことがない。My parents are very close and as far as I can remember, I have never had a fight.
  • 私が知っている限り、彼女はまだ結婚していない。As far as I know, she isn't married yet.
  • 私が聞いた限りでは、双方はまだ合意に達していない。As far as I've heard, the two sides haven't reached an agreement yet.



express as long as it doesn't...

  • 最近、A国株の急落はB国の株式市場にも影響を及ぼしていて、政府が何か有効な対策を立てない限り、今後も下落し続けるだろう。Recently, the plunge in stocks in country A has also affected the stock market in country B, and will continue to fall unless the government takes some effective measures.
  • シングルマザーだから、誰かに頼んで子どもの面倒を見てもらわない限り、長時間勤務は不可能だ。Being a single mother, you can't work long hours unless you ask someone to take care of your child.
  • 資金の問題を解決しない限り、この工事を続けられない。This work cannot be continued unless the financial problem is resolved.

OK, although it is translated as unless, it is not accurate.

[CONTENT] Learn JLPT N2 Grammar

This article was last edited at 2021-01-10 21:41:03

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