Express tendency.
Indicates that something negative or negative is prone to happen.
Noun+がち, which means that the state represented by the noun is easy to produce;
Verb +がち means that this action occurs frequently. Emphasize many times.
- この野菜ジュースは現代人に不足しがちな栄養素を補ってくれる。This vegetable juice supplements the nutrients that modern people tend to lack.
- 冬は、部屋の換気を忘れがちだから、気を付けよう。In winter, it's easy to forget to ventilate the room, so be careful.
- この時期になると、風邪などで学校を休みがちな生徒が増える。At this time of year, the number of students who tend to miss school due to colds increases.
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