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Learn JLPT N2 Grammar: ~かというと/かといえば


The preceding paragraph puts forward a fact or premise, from which a result is naturally derived, but the actual result is contrary to this.


  • 一流大学を卒業したから一流会社に就職できるかというと、そんなことはない。There is no such thing as whether you can get a job at a first-class company after graduating from a first-class university.
  • 昨日携帯電話を忘れて出かけたが、困ったことがあったかといえば、そうでもなかった。I forgot my cell phone yesterday and went out, but if I had a problem, it wasn't.
  • 歌を聞くのが好きだか、歌うのが上手なのかといえば、そうでもない。Whether you like listening to songs or are good at singing, it's not.

どちらかというとどちらかといえば is a fixed usage. Means "in general"

  • 姉はどちらかというと、母の方に似ている。In general, my sister is more like my mother.


The reason why A is B.
In English
In Japanese it sounds like...
Why|A|the reason is|B.


  • 夏休みが嫌いだ。なぜかというと、宿題が多くてあまり遊ぶ時間がないからだ。I hate summer vacation. The reason is that I have a lot of homework and I don't have much time to play.
  • どうしてこんな所に物を置いたかというと、後で運ぶ時に便利だからだ。The reason why I put things in such a place is that it is convenient to carry them later.

[CONTENT] Learn JLPT N2 Grammar


[1] https://hinative.com/en-US/questions/233628

This article was last edited at 2021-01-11 16:18:21

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