In this sentence, it's "as soon as" or "just after". "the next moment" would be OK as well.
- 朝、息子が慌てて学校に行ったかと思ったら、すぐ「ケータイ!」と叫びながら戻ってきた。In the morning, when my son hurriedly went to school, he immediately returned, shouting "Keitai!".
- 急に空が暗くなったかと思うと、激しく雨が降り始めた。Suddenly the sky became dark and it began to rain heavily.
Indicates that the result is contrary to what the speaker expected, "I thought...but..."
- やっと部屋がきれいに片付いたと思ったら、子どもたちが学校から帰ってきてまた散らかし始めた。When I finally thought the room was clean, the children came back from school and started messing around again.
- 息子は机に向かって勉強を始めたかと思うと、携帯電話でゲームをやり始めた。When my son started studying at his desk, he started playing games on his mobile phone.
- やっと仕事が終わったと思ったら、また新しい仕事を頼まれた。When I finally thought I was done, I was asked for a new job.
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