- 九月に入ってやっと涼しくなったかと思えば、また急に暑くなったりして残暑が厳しい。When I think it's finally getting cooler in September, it gets hot again and the residual heat is severe.
- 息子は学校から帰ってきたかと思えば、またすぐ遊びに出かけていった。I thought my son had returned from school, but he went out to play immediately.
The latter sentence is the opposite of what the speaker expected.
- 老後を一人で生きることを選ぶ熟年夫婦があるかと思えば、新しい旅立ちに向けて、退職後豪華な旅行に出る夫婦もある。If there are middle-aged couples who choose to live alone in old age, there are also couples who go on a luxurious trip after retirement for a new departure.
- 百歳を超えて生きる人がいるかと思えば、一歳になることもなく、この世を去る赤ん坊もいる。There are old people who have lived over a hundred years old. There are also babies who have passed away less than one year old.
It is often used in conjunction with "ある/いる" to form "~かと思えば~もある/いる", which means "both...and...".
What are all the differences between 〜かと思うと / 〜かと思えば / 〜かと思ったら? I know what the grammar means. Are they interchangeable?
Yes, they are interchangeable.
for example[1],
- "彼は外に行きたいと言ったかと思うと、家の中でゲームがしたいと言う"
- "彼は外に行きたいと言ったかと思えば、家の中でゲームがしたいと言う"
- "彼は外に行きたいと言ったかと思ったら、家の中でゲームがしたいと言う"
- "彼は外に行きたいと言った"
These 1, 2 and 3 are interchangeable, But 4 has a different nuance.
→[CONTENT] Learn JLPT N2 Grammar
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