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Learn JLPT N2 Grammar: ~かねる

meaning: difficult to


  • 医療研究者の適性は学力試験だけでは判断しかねるところがあるため、面接試験で最終的な合否の判断を行います。It is difficult to judge whether it is suitable to be a medical researcher in some aspects based on the test of learning ability alone, so the final pass or not is judged through interviews.
  • 残念ながら、ご提案には賛成しかねます。Unfortunately, I don't agree with your proposal.
  • ご要望には応じかねますので、ご了承ください。Please note that we cannot respond to your request.


Although this word means difficult to, it contains the meaning "even if you want to do something, it is difficult to do".

It belongs to written language and is used to politely and tactfully refuse the request of others.

It uses a positive form to express negative meaning.

[CONTENT] Learn JLPT N2 Grammar

This article was last edited at 2021-01-13 13:54:10

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