Describe the meaning “A thing/things that have the shape,gestures, feelings that it looks like … when even though it is not.” There are many cases in which offer fictional, contradictory facts to the truth[1].
- 夕方の空は、火が燃えているかのような夕日が一面に広がっていた。In the evening sky, the setting sun was spreading as if the fire was burning.
- あの少女の彫刻はとてもよく作らていて、まるで生きているかのようだ。The sculpture of that girl is very well made and it's as if she were alive.
- 大きな爆発でビルが揺れ、まるで地震が起こったかのようだった。The big explosion shook the building, as if an earthquake had occurred.
- 彼はまるで前もって結果を知っていたかのように、クールな顔で壇上に上がった。He went up on the stage with a cool face, as if he knew the result in advance.
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