1. Explain the limitation, "only..."
- 赤ちゃんが生まれてから、夫婦二人きりで旅行するなんて不可能だ。It is impossible for a couple to travel alone after the baby is born.
- 一回きりの人生だから、楽しく過ごしたい。It's a one-time life, so I want to have a good time.
- 今朝の新聞は見出しを読んだきりで、具体的な内容はまだ読んでいない。This morning's newspaper has just read the headlines and hasn't read the specifics yet.
When expressed as limited, it is equivalent to "~だけ".
2. It means that after the preceding term occurs, there is no subsequent term.
Nakagawa "OH! Mori-san, is it your new hat?"
Mori "No, I haven't worn it much since I bought it half a year ago."
- こんな見事な生け花の作品は私には無理ですよ。だって、生け花は10年前に習ったきり ですから。I can't make such a beautiful flower arrangement. Because I have never touched it since I learned flower arrangement ten years ago.
- 高校時代にお世話になった杉本先生には毎年年賀状を出しているけど、卒業式のときに会ったきりだ。Every year I send a New Year's card to Mr. Sugimoto, who took care of me in high school, but I haven't seen him since I graduated from high school.
① Indicates that after the occurrence of the preceding thing, its state has continued, and the following thing has never happened.
② The usual expression is "寝たきり", which means "bedridden".
③ "~きりだ" is used at the end of a sentence to imply that the previous item never happened again. "~きりで" is used as a pause in the sentence to indicate that something indicated by the latter item will never happen again.
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