1. My feeling for this grammar is: "clean".
That means the feeling that you have done something completely.
- 初めて市民マラソン大会に参加したが、頑張って走りきった。Although it was the first time for me to participate in a citizen marathon, I tried to finish the whole race.
- この製品はとても人気があるらしく、発売日売りきれてしまったそうだ。This product seems to be very popular and has sold out on the release date.
- こんなにたくさんの料理は、二人では食べきれない。Two people can't finish eating so many dishes.
① "~きる" means done;
② "~きれる" means it can be done;
③ "~きれない" means I can't finish it.
2. Means "deep" "fully" or "extreme", especially "a very high degree"
- スタッフに入会の手続きについて説明してもらったが、納得しきれないところがある。The staff explained to me the procedures for joining the conference, but there are some points that I have not fully understood.
- 連日の残業で疲れ切ってしまった。I was exhausted from working overtime every day.
- 彼女は困り切った顔で、呆然と座っていた。She sat stunned with an embarrassed face.
① "言い切る", "思い切る", and "わかりきる" are generally used as fixed verbs.
② Conventional expressions are 「死んでも死にきれない」「数え切れないほど」 "be not reconciled to""Innumerable"
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