Indicates that the latter sentence does not match the previous sentence. When this word is attached to a noun that represents a person, it means that the content described in the latter sentence does not match the person's identity, with accusations, dissatisfaction, and complaints.
- 夫は子育てに全然協力しないくせに、私のやり方に不満があるようだ。My husband seems to be dissatisfied with my way, even though he doesn't cooperate in raising children at all.
- 娘は今日から早起きすると言ったくせに、7時になっても起きてこない。My daughter said she would get up early from today, but she didn't get up at 7 o'clock.
- あの人は新入社員のくせして生意気で自己主張が強い。That person is cheeky and assertive, even though he is a new employee.
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