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Learn JLPT N2 Grammar: ~くらい/ぐらい

1. Express degree


① スロージョギングは、普段歩くくらいのスピードで行うジョギングである。Slow jogging is jogging that is performed at the speed of walking.

② A「このお店のロールケーキ、美味しいね。」"The roll cake in this shop is delicious."    

    B「うん、毎日食べたいくらい好きだよ。」"Yeah, I like it as much as I want to eat every day."

③ 朝から腰が痛くて、立っていられないぐらいだ。My back hurts from the morning and I can't stand.

④ この一か月は仕事が忙しくて、ジムに行く暇もないくらいだ。I am very busy at work this month and I don't even have time to go to the gym.

⑤ 挨拶ぐらいの簡単なフランス語なら私もできる。If it's simple French like greetings, I can speak too.

When the first 3 example sentences indicate the state and degree of the action, they can be replaced with "ほど". When the fourth and fifth example sentences indicate the lowest level, you cannot use "ほど", but only "くらい/ぐらい". In addition, when "ほど" means the highest level, you cannot use "くらい". For example, "死ぬほど忙しい" cannot be said to be "死ぬくらい忙しい".

2. Nothing more than... , ...the most...


  • やりたくないことを無理にやるくらいつらいことはない。It is the most painful to force to do what you don't want to do.
  • 徹夜くらい健康に悪いことはない。There is nothing worse than staying up all night.
  • 毎日同じ作業を繰り返すくらいつまらないことはない。It's not boring to repeat the same work every day.

At this time, the thing suggested by "くらい" is the highest level, and you can replace it with "ほど".

[CONTENT] Learn JLPT N2 Grammar

This article was last edited at 2021-01-17 23:41:51

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