How...! What...!
- 中学生の息子がまた制服を脱ぎっぱなしにしている。もう何度注意したことか。My son in middle school took off his school uniform again and threw it around. How many times have I reminded him!
- 先週、空港で偶然好きなタレントに会えて、どれほどうれしかったことか。How happy I was to meet my favorite talent at the airport last week.
- 家の近くに地下鉄が通って、どんなに便利なことか。How convenient it is to have a subway near my house.
It expresses very strong feelings. It is often used in conjunction with words such as "どれほど/どんなに/なんと/何度", such as "何度注意したことか".
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