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Learn JLPT N2 Grammar: ~ことだから


  • 小林さんは親切な人で、よく後輩の面倒を見る。そんな彼のことだから、頼めばきっと助けてくれるよ。Mr. Kobayashi is a kind person and often takes care of his juniors. That's him, so if you ask, he will surely help you.
  • 時間にルーズな彼のことだから、今日も遅れてくるだろう。He's loose on time, so he'll be late today.
  • 品質管理に厳しい田中さんのことだから、そんなミスはしないでしょう。Mr. Tanaka, who is strict about quality control, will not make such a mistake.

Usually followed by a noun that represents a person, it means a certain judgment made by understanding his character traits, meaning "because he is such a person, so...".

[CONTENT] Learn JLPT N2 Grammar

This article was last edited at 2021-01-19 18:05:08

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