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Learn JLPT N2 Grammar: ~せいで/せいか/せいだ/せいにする

Indicates that a bad, negative result has been caused for some reason.


  • 今年は二月の気温が低かったせいか、桜の開花が例年より遅い。The cherry blossoms bloom later than usual, probably because the temperature in February was low this year.
  • ストレスのせいか、最近夜ぐっすり眠れない日が多い。There are many days when I can't sleep well lately, probably because of stress.
  • お腹が痛いのはきっと賞味期限が切れた牛乳を飲んだせいだ。My stomach hurts probably because I drank milk that had expired.
  • 自分のミスを人のせいにするのはよくないよ。It's not good to blame others for your mistakes.

[CONTENT] Learn JLPT N2 Grammar

This article was last edited at 2021-01-23 03:36:54

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