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Learn JLPT N2 Grammar: ~だけあって/だけに/だけのことはある

1. ~だけあって・だけのことはある

Meaning: …being the case; (precisely) because; as might be expected from


  • 鈴木君は北国で育っただけあって、寒さに強い。Because Suzuki grew up in Northland, he is hardy.
  • 山田先生は10年も教壇に立っているだけあって、教え方がうまく生徒たちに人気だ。Mr. Yamada has been teaching for 10 years, as expected his teaching method is good and popular with students.
  • 彼女は英語の発音がとてもきれいで、アメリカへの留学しただけのことはある。She has a very good pronunciation in English, it's not surprising that she has studied in the United States.

It means that it is commensurate with its identity, status, experience, etc. The latter sentence gives a positive evaluation to it. At this time, several forms such as "だけ/だけあって/だけに/だけのことはある" can be used. Often used in conjunction with "さすがに".


Meaning: ~だけに、なおさら


  • 山を登るのに苦労しただけに、頂上で見た風景は最高だった。The scenery I saw at the top was amazing because I had a hard time climbing the mountain.
  • 妹はもともと体が弱いだけに、風邪をひいても心配だ。My sister is weak from the beginning, so I'm worried if she catches a cold.
  • こちらは壊れやすいものだけに、取り扱いは十分気を付けてください。This is a fragile item, so please handle it with care.

It is equivalent to "~だけに、なおさら", which means "because of the former item, the latter item is more...", the word is generally used "だけに".


Meaning: ~だけに、かえって


  • 体に自信があるだけに、かえって無理をして体を壊してしまった。Just because I have confidence in my body, I tried my best and finally broke my body.
  • 優勝することを期待していただけに、負けた時の失望は大きかった。I was very disappointed when I lost because I was very hoping to win.
  • 鈴木課長は普段静かなだけに、怒り出すとすごく怖い。Chief Suzuki is usually quiet, so when he gets angry, he is very scary.

It is equivalent to "~だけに, かえって", which means "because...but it is more...". At this time, "だけに" is generally used.


[CONTENT] Learn JLPT N2 Grammar

This article was last edited at 2021-01-23 05:11:51

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