而是他们语速快了以后的 常用口语。(后来发现是我错了)(真的只是听不出生词而已)
Listen to part of lecture in a biology class.
For today's disscussion discussion, we'll review the case study on how some animals has behaviorly behaviorally adapted to their environments. Now you had to read about two animal species, the east marment Eastern marmot and the olymlic marment Olympic marmot.
Marments Marmot are robatent rodents. There're They are large ground scrolls squirrels, about the size of ever tells an average house cat. And they live in a ridia variety of habitats. And even though they spent spend significant portion of the year hiborlating hibernating, according to this case study, marments marmots are still considered excellent subjects for animal behavioral studies. Why is that?
Well, when they are not hiborlating hibernating, you can find them in open areas. And they are pretty active during day, which makes them easy to observe right?
Uh-ha....So first let's disscuss the east marment Eastern marmots. They was i??? reside throughout the eastern region of the north of America. Was there Where there is a temoprary temperate climate, was where the growing season lasts for least 5 months of the year, which is when they do all their other planting mating, playing and eating.
Oh, I see. At first I wasn't sure what growing season mean? Just from the reading, but now I get it. It's the month time that amount of time it takes for them to grow, right? So, it would be five months?
Umm? Oh, uh...I'm sorry, but no. It is has nothing to with that. It's not about the time that it takes for eastern mamets Eastern marmots to grow. It's when the food is available. That is one when it's not covered in slow and there is no froster frost covering the grass and, umm, vegetate vegetative parts of plant's ob?? herbs and flowers that ??? marmots like to eat. So growing season refers to the availability of the food day they eat, OK? So, now, how do would you describe the eastern marmets marmots' social habbits?
Well, there're they are really teretorial territorial, and lawnders loners, and just so aggressive, even with other eastern marmets marmots. And their meeting rational was just so, impersional. mating ritual is just so impersonal.
UnHa....Uh-ha? Now when their they emergen emerge in the spring from hibernation, the meeting prosses mating process begins. For then them, well, they come to get together to the met mate and then go seprate separate ways. Then about sixty to eight weeks after birth, the offspring leave their mothers.
Really? Just six weeks? Is that possible for the offspring to make their own servie on so young?
Well, it's not ??? as if they aren't ready for the real world, because they are. Remember, they matural mature quickly in and the weather's nice. Also, they living live in open fields where's there is lots of atable edible vegetation. So roughly 6 weeks after birth, eastern marmets marmots are just old enough to take their chances of their surviving in the temporary temperate environment. So, how does this relate to their behavior?
Oh, I get it. Since the climates are climate's not too bad, the eastern marmets marmots don't have to rely on each other too much. And they really don't need to stay together as a family to survive either.
Unhuh... And in contrast, the olympic marmets marmots, what about them?
Well, they live together as a family, and take care of their young until they are at least 2 years old. They're really friendly with each other. And what I really like, is that, they even have greeting ceremonies. And there're they are not at all grassive aggressive until terrortorial and territorial like the Eastern marments marmots. So....Um...They're social behaviors, So their social behavior is so different from Eastern marments marmots because of the climate were where they live. That's seem so bizzard bizarre.
Well, the olympic marments marmots and ??? inhabit meadows high in the Olympic Mountains where the weather for the ?? conditions are much hasher harsher. So there's a lot more weden wind and slow. The growing season only lasts about 2~3 month. So in that mush much shorter periond period of time all the olympic marmets marmots meailing male and female eat, play, work, and ??til nurture the young together.
Because the climate is so harsh, corporation in creases cooperation increases the survival right rate of the olympic marmets marmots. They keep their young at home until they are physically able to survive on their own. This could explain why the social behavior of the olympic marmets marmots in so aren't like unlike that of that eatern marmets marmots.
What is the main topic of the lecture?
The types of habitats marmots prefer.
Methods for observing marmot behavior.
Feeding habits of some marmot species.
√Differences in behavior between marmot species.
According to the case study, why are marmots ideal for observation?
They do not hide from humans.
They reside in many regions throughout North America.
√They are active in open areas during the day.
Their burrows are easy to locate.
Drag the appropriate description of each marmot species' behavior to the box below the marmots name.
Olympic Marmot+ls family oriented .
Eastern Marmot+Displays aggressive tendencies.
What reason does the professor give for the differences in marmot behavior patterns?
Type of food available.
The size of the population.
Interaction with other marmot species.
√Adaptations to the climate.
Why does the professor say this:
√To inform the student that his definition is incorrect.
To suggest that the student did not do the reading.
To encourage the student to try again.
To change the topic of discussion.
why does the professor say this:
To express a similar concern.
To encourage the student to explain what she means.
√To address the student's concern. (为了解释这个疑惑)
To agree with the student.
- average house cat
- squirrels 松鼠(认识这个单词,但是在口语中出现,一般是不会反应过来的)(毕竟我不认识rodents,不会联想到的)
- mature 成熟(这里作动词用)
- marmot 土拨鼠
- rodents 啮齿动物
- habitats 栖息地
- portion 一部分 (完了,我现在一看到这个单词就想到——药水)
- hibernating 冬眠
- reside 居住
- temperate 温带的
- mating 交配 (啊,这?)*(我还以为只有Sex叫交配)(mate是伴侣的意思,mating就是交配的意思)
- frost 霜 (说实话,这个单词你一定能拼出来、读出来,但是就是不知道什么单词)(使用频率挺低)
- herbs 草本植物;药草;香草(这个能听出来才见鬼)
- territorial 领土的(这个单词总是跟恐怖分子terrorist搞混)(毕竟terr-开头)
- loners 独来独往的人
- ritual 仪式
- impersonal 缺乏人情味的 (我想这里应该是指 用情不专 罢)
- hibernation 冬眠 (也听出来了这个单词,但是不知道什么意思)
- offspring 后代(这单词让我联想到 山泉和春笋,就是没想到是后代的意思,后代我一般会想到generation)
- edible vegetation 可食用的植被
- ceremonies 礼节(你信不信一个考土拨鼠的TOPIC居然能给谈到“礼节”这个单词)
- bizarre 荒诞、怪异(这里我认为应该是 荒诞 的意思)
- harsher 更严厉;更恶劣
- nurture 培育
- Well, it's not as if they aren't (这个连起来读真的很难听出来)(除非你一直在用英语)
- Well, it's not as if they aren't ready for the real world, because they are. 好吧,这并不是说他们还没有为现实世界做好准备,因为他们准备好了。(拗口)
- concern 关注的东西(这么翻译感觉不太对劲)(但是口语中,一般在上课的时候,是特指某个学生提问的东西,你可以理解为他关注的东西)(但是老师必须To address the student's concern)(如果不清楚这个用法的话,最后一题应该做不对)(反正我是做错了)
- 简单x2
- 中等x2
- 困难x2
- 简单:0
- 中等:1~2
- 困难:at least 2
24 points.
我觉得最有帮助的还是对Listening Part的TOPIC熟悉才会听起来容易。
Conversation部分是 一个是学生与图书馆员的对话,一个是准教师与教师之间的对话。(这个部分单词没有既定特征,建议听听惯用表达)
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