Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor.
Hi,year,??? Eric, How are thing's things going?
Oh, I'm really busy with my workload. Some professors assign so much reading that... It's like they think we have no other homework.
One of the most important thing that learing things you'll learn in college is just how to manage your time. How to, you know, prior your time prioritize, when to say now "no" to a social engagement if you have a paper due, that's all the that sort of thing.
Guess so... I guess so.
So, how are you finding the material recovering we're covering in class?
I've actually come to talk to you about that it...I have a six months of knees 6-month-old niece, so I find early child for development really interesting. Peirjie, Piaget, that,sweets,I college ??? Swiss psychologist you told us about, his development theory is really cool.
Yes, his theory that compe.... cognitive development in children occurs in four stages you can actually observed.
Yeah,um, so my knees niece, she is thesery murder stage she's in the sensory motor stage now, right at the part was where she thinks things disappear when they're out of side. sight.
Very good, she probably don't won't understand that the objects continue to exist even when they are out of side sight, until she is a month for or so order. older.
Yeah, yesterday, we were locking knocking a little ball around, and wrote it rolled under their the couch. You She immediatle immediatlely lost interesting ??? interest and reached for her something else.
Because ??? Because to her, the ball sees ceased to exist.
Yeah, I'mve actually being been taking notes ??? on her behavior because I'd like to write my turn term paper better about her. If it's OK with you.
Your turn term paper?
Yeah. I'd like to do a case study during or something. Pj??? Piaget watched his kids, and by liked, change the whole world design collage of psychology.
Wait a minute.Pj??? Piaget didn't just observe his own children. He did exhaustive every research of over 30 years to do develop and test his that??? test theory. And, anyway, your ??? sound assignment isn't to do a study, it's to ????? research the literature on a particular psychological topic and write about it and I gave you a list of suggested topics to choose from.
Well, what if I research something like, is it possible to speed up a ??? congnitive development? Like, if I reached under the couch to get ball ??? while she watched to me, would she learn earlier that objects don't dissappear or can't six-month-old baby would babies think the that way yet.
Ummmm, I do appology ???tive,Eric. Uh, hmmmm, I do applaud your initiative, Eric. However I sincerely doubt you could get any kind of valid or meaningful information from such an experiment.
But, I early already put so much time and into watching my knees. niece.
Remember, this is only a freshman sciencology psychology class. You're weren't trained to carrying on out the an regional original research project. I wish you'd come here to me earlier, but, you know, there're there's still some time before the due date. I think just suggest that you recheck the list reach active??iest of topic. At least one of them relates to commulative cognitive development. They come see me again if you have any questions.
本篇听力材料写了一个学生Eric,想学瑞士心理学家Piaget的观察方法,通过观察自己的侄女来研究是否能够减小“sensory motor stage”或者证明不能,这是为了做term paper, 所以来办公室问教授。
但是显然教授并不是想让你去做这个(主要是认定Eric绝对做不出来),所以她重新提醒了Eric去检查自己提出的List of Topics。去找一个跟“cognitive development”相关的继续做调查。
- 6-month-old niece 6个月大的侄女 (这是本篇错得最离谱的一个)
- niece 侄女(我听成了knees) (不过正好是这个发音)(因为我听成了膝盖,后面全听不懂了)(然后我就联想到了"Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees"接着就走神了)
- Swiss psychologist 瑞士心理学家 (这个连读真听不出来)
- cognitive 认知的;(所以这个听力材料扯到了 “认知科学”)(并不是听不出来,只是想不到会是这个单词)
- been taking notes on her behavior (橙色部分连读了,你几乎听不到her)
betterabout her- Uh, hmmmm, I do applaud your initiative, Eric. 呃,嗯,我为你的倡议表示赞赏,埃里克。
- applaud 称赞(虽然直译是鼓掌,但是这里解释为称赞)
- initiative iˈniSH(ē)ədiv 提议;倡议
- workload 工作量;工作负担(这里直接理解为 背负的工作 好像更加贴近原意)
- prioritize (prīˈôrəˌtīz) 划分优先顺序;优先处理;按重要性排列
- engagement 婚约;(尤指 正式的 或 与工作有关的 ) 约定
- Social engagement (also social involvement, social participation) refers to one's degree of participation in a community or society. 社会参与、姑且理解为 你有一个社交活动,比如 舞会、Party什么的,你需要参与进去;可以把这个理解成“应酬”,但是和中文的“应酬”有点区别。(完全是提高社会参与度的活动)(这里,教授专门说,当你有论文要交的时候,要学会对社交应酬之类的,说“不”。言下之意,就是拒绝这些社交活动,毕竟你说你忙)
- Piaget 人名(不予翻译)
- Swiss psychologist 瑞士心理学家
- development theory 发育理论 (两个单词分开来都知道什么意思,合起来就不认识了)(这也是最关键的一部分)
- she's in the sensory motor stage 她处于感知运动阶段
- sensory 感官的
- motor 发动机
- sensory motor stage 【体】感知运动阶段
- roll 滚(我第一印象以为是 绕、卷)(但是这里是“滚”的意思)(小球滚到了couch下面,
- couch 长椅;长沙发(a long comfortable seat for two or more people to sit on)(这里说了是seat,没有一定是指沙发)
- ceased 停止了
- the ball ceased to exist 球不复存在了
- psychology 心理学(忘了,再记一下)
- How are things going? 事情进行得如何?(这绝对是一个地道的表达方式)
- a paper due (我猜是——到期要交的论文)(虽然我没Google翻译到具体的含义)
- Guess so. 猜是这样。(这里表达了学生的无奈)(优先级安排嘛...)
- So, how are you finding the material we're covering in class. 那么你找到了什么?(关于我们在课堂上讨论的材料。)(这里有个非常地道的表达: we're covering)(绝对不会用we're talking about)(因为这样的语感不一样,感觉是在谈话)(lecture的话基本上都是教授一个人在说话)
- cover 涉及 (to include sth; to deal with sth)(翻译为“涉及”再正确不过)
- term paper 学期论文
- a case study 案例研究
- due date 到期日
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