You:「__はどこにありますか?」 Where can I find …?
(例:砂糖(さとう)、パスタ)sugar, pasta
レジ係:「マイバッグはおもちですか?」 Do you have a carry bag?
You:「はい、もっています。」or「いいえ、もっていません。」Yes, I have one. / No, I don't have one.
レジ係:「ふくろはごいりようですか?」Would you like a plastic bag?
レジ係:「ふくろはなんまいごいりようですか?」How many bags would you like?
(ごいりよう is a really polite word that means "need". The store clerks usually use this word.)
You:「にまいください。」 2 bags, please.
いちまい 1 bag、にまい 2 bags、さんまい 3 bags、よんまい 4 bags、ごまい 5 bags
レジ係:「いちまいさんえんです。」 It costs 3 yen per 1 bag.
(It depends on the store. It usually costs 2-5 yen.)
レジ係:「ふくろはおわけしますか?」 Would you like these items bagged separately?
You:「はい、おねがいします。」 or「いいえ、いっしょでいいです。」 Yes, please. / No, you can put them together.
レジ係:「ポイントカードはおもちですか?」Do you have a loyalty card?
You:「はい、もっています。」or「いいえ、もっていません。」Yes, I have one. / No, I don't have one.
Cashiers do not generally pack bags for shoppers. Instead, they usually transfer items to another basket and customers pack their own bags at another area.
レジ係:「よんせんひゃくじゅうえんです。」 It will be 4,110 yen.
You:「げんきんでしはらいます」or「カードでしはらいます。」I'll pay in cash. / I'll pay by card.
レジ係:「いっかつでよろしいですか?」 By single payment?
In Japan, you can choose to pay with one payment or break it up into monthly payments when you pay with your credit card. They will ask you いっかつ(single payment) or ぶんかつ(installment).
You:「はい、おねがいします。」or「いいえ、ぶんかつでおねがいします。」 Yes, please. / No, by installments, please.
レジ係:「こちらにサインをおねがいします。」 Please sign here. (On the receipt)
レジ係:「こちらがおひかえになります。」 Here's your copy.
レジ係:「ありがとうございました。」 Thank you.
レジ係:「つぎのかた、どうぞ!」 Next person, please.
レジ係:「あたためましょうか?」 Do you want it heated up?
(When you buy a bento box, they would ask you if you want to heat it up in their microwave.)
You:「はい、おねがいします。」or「いいえ、けっこうです。」Yes, please. / No, I don't need it.
There is a hot snack corner next to the register. The staff will take these items out for you. You need to tell them what you want.
You:「にくまんをひとつください。」 1 steamed bun, please.
You:「からあげをひとつください。」 1 fried chicken, please.
You:「アメリカンドッグをふたつください。」 2 corn dogs, please.
レジ係:「しょうしょうおまちください。」Just a moment, please.
レジ係:「おはしはごいりようですか?」 Would you like chopsticks?
レジ係:「スプーンはごいりようですか?」 Would you like a spoon?
レジ係:「フォークはごいりようですか?」 Would you like a fork?
レジ係:「ストローはごいりようですか?」 Would you like a straw?
レジ係:「ふくろはごいりようですか?」Would you like a plastic bag?
You:「はい、おねがいします。」or「いいえ、けっこうです。」Yes, please. / No, I don't need it.
レジ係:「シールでよろしいでしょうか?」 May I affix this tape?
(If you choose not to put item in a bag, they affix tape to prove that you purchased the item.)
レジ係:「にせんごひゃくえんです。」 It will be 2,500 yen.
レジ係:「レシートはごいりようですか?」 Would you like a receipt?
You:「はい、おねがいします。」or「いいえ、けっこうです。」Yes, please. / No, I don't need it.
レジ係:「ありがとうございました。」 Thank you.
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